Current issue

Submitting an article

Publishing procedure




The original publishing form is a paper publication.


Please refer to the detailed publication conditions available in the application form. While uploading the article, it is required to accept the terms of publication and in case of texts with many authors, it is required to prepare and send a separate statement about the participation of each of them in the submitted material (Statement by author/authors).


After uploading the article (in English) through the publishing system, it is reported to the Commissioning Editor and Editor-in-Chief who decide whether the article fits into the subject matter of the journal. After getting a positive opinion, the article is forwarded to two reviewers (Guidelines for Reviewing Manuscripts). According to the agreement, reviewers have 2 weeks to confirm the acceptance of the material to be reviewed and to prepare the review. A reviewer gives an opinion by completing the appropriate online form. The review form consists of the following questions:

  • Is the problem formulated in a mature way (yes/no)?
  • Is the issue new in the scientific literature (yes/no)?
  • Is the terminology used in the particular field (yes/no)?
  • Does the article refer to source information and earlier research results (yes/no)?
  • Does the article contain appropriate and correct abstract and keywords (yes/no)?
  • Does the article and abstract match the content of the article (yes/no)?
  • Is the article written in a clear and understandable way (yes/no)?
  • Is the issue described in the article important, if yes why is it so?
  • What are the main content-related assets of the article?
  • What are the suggestions for changes and improvements?
  • What are the remarks to the article?


The review form ends with a decision to recommend for printing, required corrections or a suggestion to reject the article and also e declaration whether the author wants to have a insight into the corrected version of the material for the re-evaluation.


The received reviews are bases for the decision on the further fate of the submitted article and are attached to the message containing the editor’s decision. The article may have a form that:

  • allows to publish it without any changes,
  • allows to publish after minor changes,
  • requires profound changes and only after following them the reviewer is interested to re-evaluate the text,
  • does not fit for publication and should be rejected,
  • after closer analysis does not fit into the subject matter of the journal.


Articles corrected and admitted for publishing are passed on to linguistic study by the linguistic editor. A positive opinion of the linguistic editor admits the article to typesetting for the purpose of publication. After submitting all articles as part of the next edition, all texts undergo the linguistic check again. The linguistic editor admits the text for printing in the given issue and only after this procedure the materials can be printed.


Articles are available in form of a printed edition and their copies are available on the Internet, at the magazine’s webpage.


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