The journal “Logistics and Transport” publishes articles in five thematic sections:
a) Logistics
In this section you can find results of scientific research on all issues related to logistics. The section is characterized by a broad approach to the subject and the issues published within it include mainly management science and work organization related to material and information flows within supply chains. This section covers also topics related to technical maintenance of transport and logistics systems. Dominating issues are: transport, transhipment and storage infrastructure, however the spectrum of interests is much wider and covers IT infrastructure and communication tools (e.g. EDI) as well.
b) Transport
This thematic area covers issues of freight and passenger transport. The section discusses thoroughly the organization of transport and its environment. Great emphasis is also placed on the impact of transport on other areas of human activity, as well as on the environmental aspects related to transport.
c) Management
This section covers issues related to the operation of the contemporary and future-oriented organizations, especially transportation organizations. The section publishes articles related to the transformation of companies, the impact of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 on the activities of organizations. Emphasis is also placed on the role of the staff in achieving higher levels of their efficiency.
d) Building engineering
This section refers to the most strongly and rapidly expanding branches of economic activity within the recent few decades. It publishes articles related to civil and hydraulic engineering. Achievements of new technologies and innovative solutions, mainly in practical terms and related to infrastructure construction are thoroughly discussed.
e) Logistics education
This section is a response to the need of readers who not only conduct research but also teach classes. Among the issues discussed here are modern methods of logistics education and achievements in this area.